Asking About Address
+ Where do you live Harry ? = dimana anda tinggal Harry?
- I live on Sudirman street = saya tinggal di jln Sudirman
+ What is your address? = tinggalnya di jalan apa?
- I live at 305 sudirman street = saya tinggal di jl. Sudirman no. 305
+ How long have lived there ? = sudah berapa lama tinggal dimana?
- I have lived there about 20 years since I was a kid = saya tinggal sudah hamper 20 tahun sejak saya kecil.
+ You live in Bandung, don’t you? = anda tinggalnya di Bandung kan?
- Yes, I do. = ya, betul
+ Is it near by the city? = apakah dekat dengan kota Anda
- No, it is three km from the center town = tidak, hanya 3 km dari pusat kota
Who is he ? = Siapa dia ?
She is Mrs. Linda = dia adalah nona Linda
Does she live near here? = apakah dia tinggal dekat sini ?
Yes, she does. She is my next door neighbour = ya, betul. Dia tgetanggga sebelah
How long have you known her ? = sudah berapa lama anda kenal dia ?
I have known her all my life we are playing partner = saya sudah kenal lama
By the way, how long have you been studying English here? = ngomong-ngomong sudah berapa lama anda belajar bhs. Inggris disini ?
I have been studying English here for two months. = saya belajar disini sudah 2 bulan.
How do you come here? = naik apa anda kesini ?
I come here by public transportation = saya naik kendaraan umum
What time do you live home? = pukul berapa dari rumah?
I leave home at half past two = saya pergi pukul 2.30
How long does it take? = berapa lama dari rumah kesini?
It usually takes a quarter hour = biasanya hanya 15 menit
If it is not busy traffic = jika tidak macet
Excuse me. If I may know
What do you mean with busy traffic? = Maaf, kalau saya boleh tahu, apa yang anda maksud dengan busy?
It means , that a lot of cars an the street so that they can not move easily. So it is jam = Artinya banyak kendaraan di jalan sehingga sukar untuk bergerak
Oh, I see. I see that now
Thanks a lot for your information = ya, ya saya mengerti. Terimaksih atas penjelasannya.
I am very glad to chat with you = saya senang biba berkap-cakap dengan anda
Don’t mention it. So am I now excuse me, I am to class now see you on next occasion. = sama-sama. Saya juga senang bisa ngobroll dengan anda. Permisi saya ke kelas dulu. Sampaii jumpa di lain kesempatan.
+ What is this ? = apa ini?- This is file = ini map
+ What is the file made of? = dibuat dari apa map itu?
- That file is made of thick paper = map itu dibuat dari kertas tebal
+ What is the paper made of? = kertas itu dibuat dari apa?
- The paper is made of straw = kertas itu dibuat dari jerami
+ What is the straw? = apa itu jerami?
- The straw is tree of the rice = jerami itu adalah pohon padi
+ Where can we get the straw from? = darimana kita bisa mendapati jerami?
- We can get the straw from the rice field = kita bisa mendapati jerami itua dari padi
+ Do you remember my question just now? = apakah anda masih ingat pertanyaan saya tadi ?
- Yes, I remember your question is about file = Ya, saya masih ingat pertanyaan anda
+ What is the form of the file? = bagaimana bentuk map itu?
- The file is the square form = map itu bentuknya segiempat
+ Is the file round form? = Apakah map itu bentuknya bundar?
- No, it is not = tidak, itu tidak bundar
+ Where can we get the file form? = darimana kita bisa mendapatkan map?
- We can get the file from the bookshop = kita bisa mendapatkannya di took buku
+ Where the bookshop it? = dimana toko bukunya?
- The book shop is in Banjaran = toko bukunya ada di Banjaran
+ Can you help me to take me there? = dapatkah anda mengantar saya kesana?
- Of course, I can. Why not? = tentu saja, saya bisa. Mengapa tidak?
+ Thank you very much for your kind hearted, and when can we go together? = terima kasih atas kebaikan anda, dan kapan kita pergi kesana?
- Well, whenever you want, I am always ready = Baiklah, kapan pun anda mau, saya selalu siap
+ Have you a file? = anda punya sebuah map?
- Yes, I have = ya, saya punya
+ And what colour is your file? = dan apa warna map anda?
- My file is yellow = map saya berwarna kuning
+ Do you have red file? = apakah anda punya map berwarna merah?
- No, I don’t = tidak, saya tidak punya
+ Why not? = mengapa tidak ?
- Because fortunately I have yellow colour = karena saya punya warna kuning
+ Do you like this file? = apakah anda menyukai map ini?
- Yes, I do = ya, saya menyukainya
+ And what for is it? = Dan untuk apa itu?
- For keeping letters = untuk menyimpan surat-surat
+ What kind of letter is it? = surat macam apa itu?
- Every thing we can keep in it = setiap surat kita bisa menyimpannya
+ Is the file useful thing? = apakah map itu benda yang berguna?
- Yes, the file is useful thing = ya, map itu benda yang berguna
+ Where do you know it from? = darimana anda tahu itu?
- I know it from my self = saya tahu dari saya sendiri
+ Well, you are clever boy, aren’t you? = ya, kau anak yang pandai bukan?
- Thank you, don’t say so do you Terimakasih dan jangan begitu
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